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Book Review: Leaders Eat Last

Zanuar ER
3 min readJun 18, 2024


Hi everyone!

In this opportunity, I will share a review and key points from the book Leaders Eat Last. Leaders Eat Last is a leadership book by Simon Sinek. This book discusses how a leader inspires team loyalty, collaboration, and success.

Book Review

  • This book has 370 pages with a total of 27 chapters.
  • Suitable for short-term readers, if you want to read 1 chapter a day.
  • The translated language is easy to understand .
  • The language used is very relatable to our lives as workers

Because this book discusses how leaders can inspire their team members, I have divided these points into three parts. In these points there will be intersections with other points.


  • People need leaders to feel safe and comfortable in a group.
  • Leaders who are seen to put the interests of the team above their own will be respected and followed with high loyalty.
  • A good leader is like a protector of their team, like a fighter jet that protects ground troops on the battlefield.
  • Fostering a sense of security and mutual trust (circle of safety) is the key to building loyalty within a team.
  • Leaders who prioritize employee well-being can create a sense of trust and community that ultimately leads to better performance and long-term success. (Servant Leadership is the effective one! The best leaders are those who are willing to sacrifice their own interests for the good of the team.)
  • Leaders who communicate a clear sense of purpose and vision can inspire employees to work towards a common goal.
  • Employees who feel safe and valued are more likely to be loyal and committed to their organization.


  • Workplace safety is crucial. Building a “circle of safety” in the workplace is crucial for fostering a sense of trust and belonging among employees.
  • Good leaders understand the importance of building strong relationships with their employees and making time for face-to-face interactions.
  • The most successful organizations are those that prioritize employee well-being and invest in their development.
  • Good leaders understand the importance of setting clear expectations and holding their employees accountable.
  • Leaders who are willing to take risks and learn from their mistakes can inspire their employees to do the same.
  • Empathetic and compassionate leaders are more likely to build strong relationships with their employees.
  • It is important for leaders to create a culture of transparency and honesty, where employees feel comfortable speaking up and sharing their ideas.
  • Leaders who prioritize employee well-being can create an environment that stimulates oxytocin production and ultimately leads to higher levels of engagement and loyalty. (The hormone oxytocin plays an important role in building trust and encouraging cooperation in the workplace.)

Team Success

  • Organizations that prioritize short-term profits over the well-being of their employees are unlikely to achieve long-term success.
  • Successful leaders understand that leadership is not about being in control, but about empowering others to reach their full potential.
  • Leaders should prioritize the personal and professional development of their employees.
  • A positive and supportive work environment can increase creativity and innovation among employees.
  • Leaders who are committed to continuous learning and improvement can inspire their employees to do the same.
  • Good leaders understand the importance of recognizing and celebrating employee achievements.
  • Creating a sense of purpose and meaning in the workplace can increase engagement and commitment among employees.


So, that’s a brief review and some key points that can be taken from the book Leaders Eat Last. If you want the Indonesian version of this book, you can buy it on Tokopedia or Shopee with the following links:

That’s all the book reviews from me, what book should I read next? Please comment!

